Natures Got it Covered is a self initiated project. I want to help the fight to reduce single use plastics. During my research, I found many images of dead or suffering animals suffocated by plastics. Or I found eco warrior type messages suggesting that if your annual rubbish didn’t fit into a tiny mason jar, you are a terrible person. Both these messages turn me off.
I wanted to be more approachable and accessible to everyday people, who are still going to use plastics but want to reduce it. I firmly believe that change can be made by everyone, but the best way to approach it is in small increments. My animation below is full of small changes, that when added up by many people, will make a big change.
This is the confident, bold campaign full of personality. My leading aim was to encourage supermarkets to stop selling fruit and vegetables in plastic wrappers. Literally, Natures Got It Covered!
The campaign has a strong online and social media presence with short clips of the animation suggesting small changes that people can make in their normal routine to help reduce plastic pollution
I love projects that are for good and aimed at social change. If you like campaigns too, check out Re-Think Dad, my campaign for shared parental leave.